Marketing material is provided below to support existing centres in China who deliver SQA Advanced Diplomas.
You may want to bookmark this page for easy reference.
You may want to include some information on your website explaining SQA Advanced Diplomas. This information can be helpful for parents and learners.
Suggested copy:
An SQA Advanced Diploma is a Higher Education qualification. They are vocational qualifications that use practical approaches to learning – including project and assignment work, team and group work, and research.
SQA Advanced Diplomas are globally recognised and can offer students an alternative, cost-effective route to university.
The high-quality qualifications help students to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to progress to further study or employment. SQA Advanced Diplomas are developed in partnership with colleges, universities and industry and are available in a variety of subjects.
We’ve put together a social media asset and accompanying copy you may want to use to promote SQA Advanced Diplomas:
‘The SQA AD program is a rigorously accredited academic program, which ensures that learners have access to high-quality education and training. Through this program, learners gain comprehensive academic and professional skills that will prepare them for future studies and careers.’
Video that can be used with above posts
Our guide to SQA Advanced Qualifications includes further information on Advanced Certificates and Diplomas, credit points, levels and subjects.
SQA Advanced Diploma Guide for Parents and Students (English)
SQA Advanced Diploma Guide for Parents and Students (Mandarin)
You may want to include the following information on your website about the Diploma to Degree programme:
SQA offers Diploma to Degree pathways for SQA Advanced Diploma graduates. This means graduates can progress directly into the second or third year of an undergraduate degree at one of SQA's partner universities around the world.
Find out more about which universities around the world recognise the SQA Advanced Diploma.
Shelley's journey from SQA Advanced Diploma in China to an Accounting Degree in the US
Xiangyu Song's journey from SQA Advanced Diploma in China to Degree in the UK
Sun Yuyin's journey from SQA Advanced Diploma in China to a Degree in Canada