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Home Quality Assurance IV Toolkit Pre-delivery and Understanding Standards

Pre-delivery and Understanding Standards

The first stage of internal verification is the pre-delivery stage. This includes:

  • planning the management and coordination of internal assessment activities
  • planning the management and coordination of internal verification activities
  • ensuring a shared understanding of standards
  • agreeing on assessment approaches
  • preparing learners

Pre-delivery Tasks

Role of Assessor Role of Internal Verifier
Understand roles and responsibilities of assessor and internal verifier

Ensure assessor(s) and internal verifier roles and responsibilities are clear.

Define approach to internal verification, including sampling.

Get familiar with Unit/Award standards and conditions.

Collaborate with assessor(s) and other internal verifiers to ensure shared understanding of Unit/Award standards and conditions.

Propose assessment approach

Assessors can use assessment exemplars and materials, where provided, or devise their own assessments.

Collaborate to ensure that assessment approach is valid, reliable, practicable, equitable and fair.

Internally verify centre-devised assessment before submitting to SQA for prior verification, where applicable.

Internally verify SQA-published assessments (where applicable) to ensure that they are fit-for-purpose for use in the centre.

Prepare candidates for assessment

Confirm that agreed assessment guidance for specific Units/Awards is implemented for candidates, including those requiring special assessment arrangements.

If you write your own assessments, you must internally verify them before use.  SQA strongly recommends that you send them to SQA for prior verification, once you have internally verified them.

Pre-delivery Records

The assessor(s) and internal verifier(s) for every Unit should be identified and recorded. A pro forma is provided for this.

You may wish to refer to the FAQs for guidance on the qualifications and experience required to be an assessor or IV.

A pro forma is provided for recording discussions and actions from meetings. These could be full staff team meetings, or smaller, informal meetings. The pro forma has a checklist of issues to be discussed and allows you to record comments and actions succinctly.

A pro forma is provided for recording the outcome of internal verification of a centre-devised assessment, feedback to the assessor who wrote it and any action points.


Support and Sampling During Delivery



Support and Guidance Materials